Saturday 6 October 2018 9pm – Church of SS. Nazaro e Celso – Bareggio MI – Piazza Cavour, Bareggio MI – Free Entrance

SOS. from the earth

-> Watch the program trailer!


Paul Dukas 1865-1935

  • The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Rev. Leopold Stokowski 1882-1977) – Orchestra

Karl Jenkins 1944-viv.

  • Adiémus from Songs of Sanctuary (1995) – Suns, White Voices, Chorus and Orchestra *

Vangélis 1943-viv.

From the film of the same name (1992 – Directed by Ridley Scott)

Robert Prizeman 1952-viv.

  • Sanctus on the Canon of Pachelbel 1653-1706 – White Voices, Chorus and Orch. *

Hans Zimmer 1957-viv.

From the movie Il Gladiatore (2000 – Directed by Ridley Scott)


Gioacchino Rossini 1792-1868

Homage to Rossini, on the 150th Anniversary of death

Andrea Fedeli 1981-viv.

  • Suite from Overland, broadcast by RAI1 *
    Men in the Legend – Choir and Orchestra
    Towards the Indies – White Voices, Choir and Orchestra
    Indochina – Harp, Xylophone, Recorder and Orchestra
    Calling Earth – White Voices, Choir and Orchestra

John Williams 1932-viv.

From the E.T. the Extraterrestrial (1982 – Directed by Steven Spielberg)


* Orchestrations by Giovanni Tenti